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Monday, 28 February 2011

L'Ame d'une Generation

J ai très bien apprécie et sentis cet énorme plaisir a entendre des expériences multiples des citoyens Tunisiens et les différentes interprétations de la situation politique, social, et économique actuelle que le pays est entrain de confronter. Les discussion entre jeunes de différentes perspectives et de différentes conceptions de la scène politique Tunisienne est une fierté et un immense plaisir pour participer ensemble a batir  modestement et humblement qui donner de leurs Sangs et de leurs Âmes pour conserver la fierté de leur pays en laissant couler leur sang pour l’émancipation de toute une génération.

Je suis très fier de cette appréciation et de la prestation de la jeune notre jeune génération  Tunisienne qui s'est dévoilée portant dans le coeur des ailes de liberté parfumés et raffiner de foi et de grand estime. Je vois les limites de notre courage et de notre déterminisme pour rendre notre pays encore plus jeune et plus rajeunie et encore plus motivé pour arriver a obtenir et posséder nouvelle avenir prometteur toute en se sécurisant humblement et avec courage le déterminisme la revitalisation des voeus de tous les Tunisiens.
 Il faut  avoir une politique claire et juste et guider nos valeurs et notre déterminisme a la hauteur de notre  de notre engagement créativité intellectuelle en vers les différences et la pluralité des voix des citoyens qui constituent les pulsions de notre activisme social et de notre loyauté divine en vers cette terre qui nous unie dans le fond et qui nous rassemble dans son aspect. C'est un estime en vers les différentes modalités de notre vie et de notre pouvoir intellectuel en tant que jeunes pour suspendre les activités corrompus de notre engagement politique pour le bien de notre société et pour agir et unir se pouvoir qui pourra rendre le jour cette force jeune qui va constituer la puissance de la faiblesse des âmes et des coeurs dans le but de rendre les futurs générations pour les rendre aptes a mettre en valeur les qualités d'humanisme qui constituent l'âme de l 'être humain intrinsèquement simple, pure et  radieuse de toute une génération.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Computational Linguistics

"Being able to discover how Machine can learn and acquire languages is something fascinating. The computational linguistics field  is very broad and at the same time very specific that's why the objective behind studying computational linguistics is to develop language modals that will enable machines and human to effectively communicate in different languages and  use different language modals to try to have a deeper analysis of how machine translation works and how we can communicate effectively through the use of different languages and effective language communication tools to help the interact and develop  linguage  understanding and establish comprehensive imput when using different languages semantically and statistically"

A Printing Wall

The printing wall is one of my unforgettabal souvenirs when i was a student at the university of Tunis between 2007 and 2010, i was illustrating all my souvenirs in a walls that pictured all my thaugts and  feeling to the outside world. Every one of us has his own experience which is depected from his own life experience and everyone of us is trying to make the right path to reach his fixed

We have to have faith in our hearts and we have to came to a crossing road  to meet our efforts and to aim for a better futur for the world where Blacks, Whites, Muslims, Christians, Jewish can coexist and can live in a peaceful world. We have to aim fo building a better futur for our up coming generation when it comes to social, economic and political arenas. My own experience told me that "Islam" is the perfect path to realize one self and it is the lightenning raod for all human being to reach success and pride. When i was at the university, i read many books of philosopghy, history, sociology and litterature and i have noticed that all these domains are in one scripture and one book embodied in  the "Quran", inside this book we can feel security and manage our life in a complete structred system embodied in the Religion of Islam. 

Pride of the irony

Inside the hills of the world there is a little  butterfly singing alone and looking for dead  hearts  of the world, under the fires of weapons and under the burning of humanity. This image is in the heart of every man breathing in this earth, looking for hope of  one tear and deep faith.
I'm standing there behind your beautiful eyes looking for your creation to make  my self  a man who needs the mercy of God , this is what makes me a deep sensitive man living for my religion and for my reflexions, i want to be a  free man from the eyes of the world by standing alone looking for my wisdom to describe the conception of the beauty of God's creation in the floor of my world. I 'm a simple man breathing in the deep and beautiful aspects of nature with its different colors and freezing places, alone nourishing my passion for reading, writing and enjoying the innocence of my Critical thoughts and Conceptions of the Nature of Human being. 

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Language and Mind

Language is a human faculty which enables us to describe and materialize our thaughts,  it is the study of the scientific approche that defines the general unfolding of our cognitive and genetic program which allows us to generate and study the scientifique approche of the language usage as a cognitive tool to try to put forward and enhance our thaughts to describe, study and regulate our approche and understanding to the outside world. The amazing scientific approche that is determined through the lingusitic studies of the  language use in different aspects of our life and in differentt domains like Sociolinguistic, Pragmatic, Translation and Interpretation, this specific use is the determination of humain interaction with the outside world that reveals to us the particular use of the language is very complexe and through this approch we should be careful to the scientific study of the specific grammatical rules that generates our understanding to the external environment .

The society is a place where humain beings are interacting with each others and making there own choices and interest  when looking for a new hope and a new economic and social perspectives, simpply by talking about their feeling, emotions, interpreatations and social intergrity. The fundamental study of the humain language is necessary to depect the social behaviour  in our own society where we create a lot of  funny and rich new vocabulary and where we must enhance communication to better understand the social interaction to deter the major  problems of  undestanding and wrong interprtatinon of our verbal and moral behaviour.

The world Global Economy

Through the last events that are occuring in The Arabe region world, The global economy is in need of any finacial and external initiative from the global superpowers in the line of the general developement of the sustained economy growth  in  the north africain region , some local firm are looking for renovating their local buisnesses and creating a new perspectives for the new local industry perspectives and this new talented generation  now we  must argue on the centre of the new regional developing that  is making the foreing investors very sceptique about the new buisness strategies and the role of the this political sphere which  is occuring in the third world societies, when we make a general look on the role of the media in those countries we see that this propaganda  is still under the new identity of  the countries that are remaining under the international world buisness devices, if we make a precise look on the amout of money that the previous and new specially South Americain and Africain dictators are hidding behinf there faces, we can notice that is an incredibal amout of stolen local benefits, so  we can qualify those countries fll of materials ressouces so we ca estimate that those are a  developed countries where fundamental humain rights will be preserved and valorized.

About the local buisness conceptions of the International business investement in Tunisia, we must say that the North African trade is a basic need for any developed country in the region, because the economic inverstigation is revealing that those countries embody a great ressources at the level of the regional and international global world economy, the problem is how the next generation from the world of buisness affairs will  inverst their intellectual strategies in creating a whole new and rennovated aspect of the regional developement of the North Africain world trade, i see that we must cope with the local situation is the region bacause the Political and Economic perspectives is going hand in hand, so this conception should be under some local govermental rules that aim to further enhance our Economy and international buisness contribution.

The misleading economy

Through the last events that are occuring in the arabe region world, the global economy is detering any external initiative from the global superpowers in the line of the general developement of the sustained developement, some local firm are looking for renovating their local buisnesses and creating a new perspectives for the new  local industry perspectives, now we  must argue on the centre of the new regional developing is making the foreing investors very sceptique about the new buisness strategies and the role of the this political sphere that is ocuuring in the third world societies, when we make a general look on the role of the media in those countries we see that this media is still under the new identity of  the countries that are remaining under the international world buisness devices, if we make a precise look on the amout of money of money that the dictators are hidding behinf there hands we can qualify those countries as develloped countries where fundamental humain rights will be preserved and valorized.....

Une Nouvelle Realité

Une nouvelle réalité peut être, on l’espère avec un coeur humble et honnête, une réalité qui s'ouvre pour valoriser les coeurs affaiblis de la classe révolutionnaire mais face a l 'enjeux capitaliste mondial et la loi de      l 'argent et  du matérialisme qui règne sur les coeurs des êtres faibles d’âme et appauvris d'amour pour notre prochain, il est très difficile d'envisager une réalité fraternelle pour tout le monde. Il faut être sur d'une chose c'est que la polarisation geo-stratégique et économique du monde est entrain de d'alimenter les coeurs des êtres passifs et prolétaires dans leurs choix et dans leurs propres décisions pour décider de leurs propres avenirs. On vit dans une loi économique néo-libérale- mondialiste qui nous révèle que nous somme face a une ancienne réalité de polarisation geo-stratégique du monde depuis le début de la première guerre mondial en 1914 et une nouvelle réalité de 2011 pour accentuer l'appauvrissement  et la dégradation des classes pauvres et enrichir les classes capitalistes riches. On se qui concerne les pays du Maghreb et après se qui s'est passé dans ces états la de réveil Arabes, on sait bien que cet évènement qui a marqué le monde a été bien manipulé par des mains de lobbying extérieurs en outre les mains d'armes du NATO et les mains de sang des Américains pro-sioniste qui ont pousser "Ben Ali" a quitter le pays, "Gadafi" pour être éliminer physiquement et ils ont pressé l'armée égyptienne a faire tomber "Moubarak", de se point de vue la, il faute être très vigilent en vue de se qui se passe en "Syrie" et de la conséquence sur toute la région par se que le régime de "Bachar el Hassad" est un régime nationaliste, défenseur de l 'union arabes et sous une alliance pro-Russe et pro-Chinoise. La Syrie est un pays riches et prospère et la dimension stratégique et politique de se pays va a l'encontre de la loi alter- mondialiste-sioniste dont le but est  la polarisation geo-stratégique et économique du monde. A suivre