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Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Institut Bourguiba School des Langues Vivantes

The Bourguiba School institue is a national initiative to discover  different languages and  aim for looking on a new cultures and a new people,  i think that learning languages is something impressive and enriching, i think we have to be open to the other cultures to discover our selves and to take concreat actions to present our own culture and our religious values, the fact that language is an effective communcation tool for coveying one's message and interact with the other  groups aiming on building the floor for cultural exchange and cutural understanding, we have to be pro-active muslims and aion for providing humility in our daily actions and our engagement  for changing what is happening in the world.  We have to be open muslims and use the facumty of the language to covey the right message of the Tunisian youth and aim for building the country by aiming on being active citizens and envolve our self with complete honesty and  dignity to making the people understand what we mean by cutural understanding and cutural echange , but each one of us should respect each other and build a society where we can understand socail differences and practise real tolerance, we are in a position to build a country where we have to aim through the knowledge a message that our Religion will be leading the world through exchange of knowledge, teaching and faith practise and language teaching. 

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